Monday, April 27, 2009

Knit, knit, knit, knit.....

Sigh. Am trying to finish Great Vintage Habs (1915-16) sweater before the end of the playoffs. I'd probably be done if I would stop doing things like not paying attention and knitting too far when I should be changing colours.

On the upside, I did finish Chris' Finnish Puck This Hat, just in time for summer. Ah well, he'll have it come next winter.
Meanwhile, things have been quiet at the shop, haven't sold anything in a while. Gives me a bit of a rest. I dyed up two more hanks of Capitaine Koivu, one for the shop and one for me. I've been wanting to do a Toe Blake colourway, but think I will get that figured out next weekend, I've almost got it worked out in my head. I've also been working out a couple of new projects in my head. First off, I am determined to do a Seriously Cool Ovechkin Sweater of Awesomeness, which will be a hoodie type sweater. I've got the chart done. And then I want to do a vest, something longer in length, a bit snug-fitting. In grey with an intarsia hockey player knit into the front in black, white, and maybe grey. I'm also gonna have to do another Habs sweater for Chris, he has been somewhat enamoured of mine, and this from a guy who doesn't like sweaters!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Shopping Spree

I spent way too much money, but love my new stuff. Got it at Sports Rousseau, and would've bought more if I could've.

Got a new hoody, three t-shirts, and got Kovy's DVD with a free AK27 puck.

I Got Mail!!

From Rejean Houle:

I got this on Monday and have been meaning to post about it since, but life has a tendency to get in the way. I love the fact that it's so personal instead of just a standard thank you form letter type of thing. Awesome!!!